Personal data - feature development
R&D / Discovery phase / Banking
As a member of a centralised Human-Centred Design team of a retail bank, I supported multiple teams with research and user-centric processes. This case study demonstrates how I worked with a team of 4 business analysts to improve and scale up existing customer features regarding personal data.
The challenge
Personal data features were fragmented across the business and not joined up, causing knowledge gaps and rework, as well as inconsistent experiences and frustration for the customer. We aimed to improve and centralised the experience for the user. We also aimed to lay the product foundations to expand the level of control customers have over their own data - towards a long term vision being worked on by another team.
My role and approach:
Formative customer research and analysis.
Initiate user-centred and design thinking methodologies - journey maps and blueprints to understand existing workflows.
Facilitate and collaborate in team ideation sessions.
Prototyping and testing journey flows and propositions.
We wanted to understand customer attitudes to their personal data-points and security channels. This gave us insights of expectations and challenges when exploring ideas.
Coding - of qualitative data and card sorting tasks. I see great value in coding (time permitting, it’s not a quick process!) as it’s quite thorough yet accessible for anyone to go in and explore patterns.
Customer service blueprints
Knowledge acquired via branch visits and back office conversations across the business. We discovered an array of customer data points via various channels and legacy back-end systems. Add to this a diverse range of customer types each with a different workflow - meant we had numerous scenarios and journeys offering scope of streamlining.
Feature development and user testing
We took a two pronged approach to developments:
The ‘low hanging fruit’ - quickly prototype, test and build high value customer journeys. I designed and tested journey flows with customer 1-2-1 sessions.
The ‘data hub’ - a slower, more discoverable process of formative research to scale up a kind of MVP platform towards a long term goal. I designed the IA and key screens for the team to work on stakeholder buy-in, governance and tech feasibility.
Reporting back
Excerpts from a report to illustrate task performance, errors and attitudes of tasks and journeys.